Earn money with Social Media

Get your own affiliate page for free, add our campaigns and promote them as influencer on messenger or social networks.

Create your affili page now:



Active influencer

Earn money with Social Media
Earn money with Social Media

Answers for your common questions

With affili you can advertise offers, i.e. products and services from companies on social media or messengers and thus earn money.

The advertising of products and services takes place with your affili page. Advertising offers from our partners can be added to this page.

An affili page created in this way has a link in the format affi.li/name and can then be used in social media or messengers. A remuneration is paid for every follower or visitor who accept an advertising offer via the affili page.

Yes - affili and creating your own affili page with our online editor including the short URL and all functions is completely free. As an influencer, you should earn money with affili and not pay money.

The amount of income depends primarily on the reach as an influencer and the successful placement of the campaigns. This is usually more important than just looking at the compensation. We differentiate between lead and sales campaigns. For lead campaigns, a fee is paid per registration, e.g. EUR 2.50 for registering for a free competition. In sales campaigns, there is usually a percentage share of the sale, e.g. 20% per order at a beauty shop.

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